

Ethereum and other ‘compute blockchains’ promise to create a whole new, programmable layer of interaction and data processing on the internet...


In the majority of companies, the executives in charge of data science and the decision-making process using data science, have little or no education or understanding in actual data science. Where does this leave you, the data scientist?

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Commercially viable biofuel crops are vital to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and a new tool developed by the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation should accelerate their development -; as well as genetic editing advances overall.


CROPSR, the first open-source software tool for genome-wide design and evaluation of guide RNA (gRNA) sequences for CRISPR experiments, created by scientists at CABBI, a Department of Energy-funded Bioenergy Research Center (BRC). The genome-wide approach significantly shortens the time required to design a CRISPR experiment, reducing the challenge of working...


When a new movie comes out most of the plaudits go to the director, the producer and the lead actors, but there are so many other people involved in a film, and a lot of them are designers. There are costume designers and set designers, but also graphic designers working behind the screens on all

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